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Our Newest Team Member Explains MS4’s and Why They’re Needed

We interviewed our newest team member – Jasmine Lee, ASLA Associate – to understand what an MS4 is and why it’s needed.

What is an MS4?

MS4 is an abbreviation for a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit. The number 4 represents the four words starting with the letter S. It’s a clever way to avoid using MSSSS, right?!

MS4s regulate untreated stormwater runoff traveling from municipalities to local streams and rivers. It uses a collection of non-structural and structural Best Management Practices (BMPs), a few to be named include detention basins, swales, inlets, underground pipes, and rain gardens.

Why should I care about MS4’s?

It’s intended to make water safer to drink and use. Untreated stormwater moves into our natural water tables and aquifers. BMPs lessen the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and other man-made toxins by reducing, slowing down, or filtering the flow. A BMP only works if kept clean, maintained, and is understood by the public.

How is this managed?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with implementing the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program created by the 1972 Clean Water Act. The Act authorized “state governments by the EPA to administrate, enforce, and issue permits to regulate pollutants.”* To date, 46 states (including PA) applied and received authorization. An MS4 permit is one part of the overall NPDES program.

Why would I be contacted about MS4?

If you own property within the municipality’s MS4 permit area with an on-lot stormwater BMP structure installed there. It may need to be inspected or require maintenance. The municipality will also communicate about illicit discharge responses and broader activities.

“Municipalities inform residents of efforts to address local water quality to inspire them to protect it,” explained Charity Hain, RLA, LEED AP, SEO.

Jasmine joined DM/A in 2023 as a Landscape Architect Designer. She’s also the MS4 Assistant. Charity is DM/A’s MS4 Program Manager for these municipalities: East Donegal Township, East Hempfield Township, East Lampeter Township, Elizabeth Township, Lititz Borough, West Donegal Township, and Elizabeth Township.

Are you a Lancaster County municipality looking for help with the MS4 program? Contact Scott Hain, PE – Director of DM/A’s Municipal Services – at 717-898-3402 or send a message to us here:

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EHT Township graphic & design services produced by David Miller/Associates, Inc.

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